Puchatek - internetowy system dla polskich szkol sobotnich Puchatek - internetowy system dla polskich szkol sobotnich

Funkcje Puchatka

Pooh has a wide range of functions required to manage the Polish Saturday School

Selection function Pooh, its structure, user interface and access method are subordinated to one goal: sprawieniu to manage sobotnimi Polish schools was effective and more efficient.


Access via the Internet is a great flexibility of use

The key to the usefulness of Pooh in Polish schools is access via the Internet. Thanks to this system can be used in school, domu i biurze, at a time convenient for parents and school staff.

To get into the system, enough to have a computer connected to the Internet and any web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.). Pooh is designed to work with both Windows PCs and Apple Mac.

Access to the system is protected by a user name and password. Data sent to the Pooh are encoded, which protects them from the 'interception'.


Features Pooh cover all the needs of the school management

  • Maintain complete and current information about the children and their parents (caregivers).
  • Saving, memorize and transfer children to classes.
  • Checking for presence of children in the classroom.
  • Administering the teachers and staff.
  • Inspection certificates of good conduct (DBS, dawne CRB).
  • Control of the number and structure of classes.
  • Laying the school calendar.
  • Administering the call time.
  • Maintain communication with parents.
  • Automatic transfer of all classes at the end of the level above.
  • Comprehensive, tailored to the specific needs of school reports and rankings.

Below are details of some of the functions.


Kompletene and current data about the children and their parents (caregivers)

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  • The system allows the recording of comprehensive information on every child and parent (guardian) and common for the whole family.
  • Data entry is simplified example. by copying the address between parents.
  • The information shared can record contact details of the additional, Declarations parents about wanting to help the school and other observations.
  • Search engine families will avoid duplication of data entry. You can quickly find existing family.
  • The system correctly identifies the family even if its members bear different names or where they are used inconsistently Polish letters (Pakowski and Pakowski is the same family).

Saving the children to school, writing out and moving into classes

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  • Children can save for school, write, move to another class, restore Class.
  • A full history of the student to attend school.
  • After discharge from school children still remain in the system. This allows for rapid re-register when returning to school.

Monitoring attendance

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  • Director, teacher or an authorized person can select the child's absence in selected Saturday.
  • Reports of attendance will allow the state to establish a school in przpadkach threats (alarms) or finding routinely absenteeism.

Administering the teachers and staff

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  • Assigning positions the class teacher or assistant.
  • Assigning teachers of general (np. religion, singing).
  • Assigning other positions (bookkeeping, nurse, itp.).
  • Recording and monitoring news certificate DBS (dawne CRB).

Structural class

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Pooh allows for the setting appropriate for the particular school class structure, through:

  • Declaring class names for key year, classes (names chosen individually for your school).
  • Closing or opening new classes during the school year.
  • Determining the permissible number of children in each class.
  • Administration description of the location class at school, useful example. in easy to find them by their parents coming to parent-.

School calendar

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School calendar is the basis for the organization of classes in the school, Event roster of parental, collect fees or checking attendance. Pooh enables:

  • Declaring the school year. Only Saturdays are the days, you can add to your calendar.
  • Determining, that Saturdays are the days of school, and which free (holidays, holiday).
  • Enter the description of the special events taking place in a given Saturday.

Parental duty

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Pooh largely simplifies the administration of call time-consuming parental:

  • Administrators benefit from a roster of central register of all families and children have access to current contact information.
  • The registration supports a variety of systems of organization roster: determination roster, voluntary reporting and in.
  • The system takes into account the cases of partial or total exemptions.
  • Reports of the planned or held long standby support communication with families (reminder of the duty in the upcoming Saturday, admonition to those residual, itp.).
  • Easy transfer to accounting information nieodbyciu roster in the previous year, to charge a penalty.

Charges for school and their enforcement

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  • Charges will be made to all the families and in the right amount for the period, allowing maximization of revenues for school.
  • The system allows for flexible organization of campaign charges (semester, semi-annual, itp.).
  • In addition to the standard fees, possible introduction of incentives and sanctions.
  • With a simple interface, transactions fees may be made on an ongoing basis, avoiding additional work.
  • With the appropriate reports can quickly assess the condition of payment of fees for the period.
  • Persons involved in the enforcement of outstanding fees have access to current contact information, which increases the effectiveness of these measures.

Reports the basis for effective school management

Having a complete and timely data is the foundation for success in school management. For his achievements, it is necessary that the data reach all the needy, in the form most useful to them.

You need the list of Teachers of children from their class, along with information about the medical needs of the child and parent data kontatowymi.

Meanwhile, the treasurer needs to list all families, numerically with the given state of children in the family so that he could properly charge a fee for the semester.

  • Pooh offers a wide range of reports tailored to the specific needs of all school employees (Directorate, board, accounting, roster, nurses, i in.).
  • The reports are generated based on the center set of data.
  • Reports are tailored to the individual needs of the school.
  • It is also possible to create additional reports.

Data from reports can be copied to Excel

  • or other programs, for further use. This allows you to create:
    • listy mailingowe do mailshotów
    • listy adresowe do mailmerge
    • statement for the accounting, roster
    • extracts for the purpose of website
    • other documents useful in the management of

The system administrator has full control over users

  • The administrator creates roles for access to the various functions and system options.
  • Administrator assumes, suspended, activate user accounts, and assigns them to specific roles.


Security of data

Placing the Pooh online system puts him high demands on data bezpiczeństwa. Pooh meets them through:

  • Encoding data. All information sent between your computer, and the system is encrypted and therefore impossible to capture.
  • Complex passwords. The system allows you to set individual school policy for password complexity and frequency of forcing them to change.
  • Automatic closing accounts in a larger number of failed access attempts.


Ease of use

Parents assisting in the conduct of Polish Saturday schools often do not have the preparation to handle complex office systems. There is also time to serve their long-term training. Therefore, our goal was to build a simple system to use:

  • To use the Pooh does not need skills.
  • The intuitive interface allows you to quickly learn how to operate the system.
  • Using the so-called. dictionaries speeds data entry and helps to avoid errors.
  • Konskwencja in user interface design makes, that learning to operate only one function allows efficient use of other.
  • The system uses the terminology and concepts used in everyday Polish Saturday schools.


We encourage you to read what benefits your school will bring these features Pooh. More about the benefits …
